EXTENDED 2019 Lovis Student Award Application




The Lovis Extraordinary Student Award honors 5th – 8th grade students who make a difference in their community by promoting kindness, being selfless, demonstrating compassion and/or giving to the less fortunate.

The Lovis Hero Award honors high school age students who have overcome incredible obstacles to make a difference in their community.  The obstacle may be, but not limited to, poverty, mental illness, homelessness, obesity, disability, extreme bullying, abuse, violence.

Students must be nominated or seek nomination from a teacher, counselor, caseworker, or other adult who can speak to the student’s contribution.

Nomination applications are due by email on Monday, February 11, 2019.

Click here for information about the awards:  Lovis Student Award 2019

Click here for the Extraordinary Student Nomination Form REVISED

Click here for the Hero Award Nomination Form 2019 REVISED

**To save the pdf, select “export pdf” from the File pull-down menu.


Questions?  Email us at lovisfoundation@gmail.com.

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