Sponsor community programs to bring joy to youth of varying abilities
Friday Nights Out
Friday Nights Out is a program that supports differently-abled junior high and high school-aged teens in the Mariemont School District of Mariemont, Ohio and Sycamore School District, Sycamore, Ohio. Each school quarter, the teacher and students choose four social events (each includes an event and a dinner). While students are enjoying an evening of fun, they are also exercising real-world skills such as choosing what to order at the restaurant, articulating the order, socializing, and engaging in conversations with their friends, and just having fun sharing time together outside of the school setting.
The program provides transportation and appropriate adult supervision to the students. These events give the teens an opportunity to build independent skills and bond with their peers outside of school and without the usual presence of parents and caregivers. It also provides an evening of respite for parents and caregivers.
The Lovis Student Awards
The Lovis Foundation student awards are given to students who are making a difference. The students are nominated by teachers, counselors and administrators within the school district. There is no academic requirement because the awards focus on how much young people see the needs of others instead of their academic achievements. The awards promotes the difference young people can make by promoting a positive culture. Selected students share their story via video and are presented with a trophy as well as a monetary gift. These are young people who are making an incredible difference that are often overlooked.
The Lovis Hero Award
The Lovis Hero Award honors high school students who have overcome incredible obstacles to make a difference in their community. The obstacle may be, but not limited to, poverty, mental illness, homelessness, obesity, disability, extreme bullying, abuse, violence.
Our 2018 Hero Award Winners are:
Myasia Barber, 12th Grade, Robert A. Taft Information Technology High School, Cincinnati, Ohio
Hayden Chambers, 12th Grade, Mariemont High School, Cincinnati, Ohio
Noah Smilg, 12th Grade, Sycamore High School, Cincinnati, Ohio
Maddie Schramm, 12th Grade, Sycamore High School, Cincinnati, Ohio
The Lovis Extraordinary Student Award
The Lovis Extraordinary Student Award honors 5th – 8th grade students who make a difference in their community by promoting kindness, being selfless, demonstrating compassion and/or giving to the less fortunate.
Liv Day, 8th Grade, Goshen Middle School, Goshen, Ohio
Jerica Knickerbocker, 8th Grade, Batavia Middle School, Batavia, Ohio
Eddie Julious, 7th Grade, Robert A Taft Information Technology High School, Cincinnati, Ohio