Meet our Lovis Extraordinary Student Award Winners
The Lovis Extraordinary Student Award honors 5th-8th grade students who make a difference in their community by promoting kindness, being selfless, demonstrating compassion and/or giving to the less fortunate.
Students are nominated by their schools and communities.
The students are answering the following questions in the videos: Did you know you were being nominated for a Lovis Student Award? How did it feel when you discovered you won? Tell us how you’re making a difference for others. What is your biggest challenge? What advice would you give to your peers? What advice would you give to adults? What does getting this award mean to you?
Kenley Juillerat
Bright Local School District
Kenley was nominated by Bright Elementary School for the way she saw the needs of others during the Covid pandemic. Kenley lives in a small, rural town and her ability to demonstrate selflessness, compassion and kindness made a real difference in her community.
Ha’Laiya Stanback
Colerain School District
Ha’Laiya was nominated by N.E.R.D.S (a local STEM focused nonprofit) for her compassion for others in the community that motivates her to create toy drives for the less fortunate. She also exhibited a mature bravery when there was an invasive experience with another student. Ha’Laiya had the courage to seek help and was able to prevent future incidents, as well as break through the fear that comes when someone is attacked.
Raegan Veal
North College Hill City Schools
Raegan was nominated by the Speech and Language Pathologist for her incredible kindness to those around her. While many young people never notice the adults around them, Raegan takes the time to write notes to every staff member at her middle school to thank them and tell them they matter. She frequently stops in the office to let the staff know she cares about them. Even though Raegan lost her mother and was then separated from her sister, her gentle caring way has made a lasting impression on her community.
Davis Wickham
Mariemont City Schools
Davis was nominated by Mariemont Junior High School for his collaboration and inclusivity to others. In addition, he is an active Scout member and organizes the annual community Holiday tree event. Davis models how we should appreciate the differences that diversity brings to our communities.
Meet our Lovis Hero Award Winners
The Lovis Hero Award honors students in 9th grade – extended services who have overcome obstacles to make a difference in their community. The obstacle may be, but not limited to, poverty, mental illness, homelessness, obesity, disability, extreme bullying, abuse, violence or challenges related to the pandemic.
Students are nominated by their schools and communities.
The students are answering the following questions in the videos: Did you know you were being nominated for a Lovis Student Award? How did it feel when you discovered you won? Tell us how you’re making a difference for others. What is your biggest challenge? What advice would you give to your peers? What advice would you give to adults? What does getting this award mean to you?
Katherine Carpenter
Mason City Schools
Katherine was nominated by Bishop Fenwick High School for being a servant leader and mentor for students in drama club struggling with learning challenges as well as a friend to those struggling with mental and emotional illnesses. Katie has dyslexia, dysgraphia, and anxiety and was told she wouldn’t succeed. She has overcome these challenges to be an extraordinary theatre performer who loves to be on stage as much as she loves working behind the scenes. Katie deeply cares about those around her and translates that care into action to make a difference in her community.
Ashley Faulkner
Mariemont City Schools
Ashley was nominated by Mariemont High School for her positive attitude and leadership. She served as a mentor for many younger students during her Junior and Senior year. Ashley has overcome the challenges associated with ADHD and a learning disability to be awarded a full scholarship for Cincinnati State’s Aviation Maintenance Technology program. Ashley’s ability to rise above and help others made a difference for the girls on the bowling team with their game and their confidence.
Spencer Kohl
Sycamore Community Schools
Spencer was nominated by the Sycamore Launch Program for how he’s made a difference in his community with his compassion and good example. He has worked hard to be independent and currently has two paid jobs. Spencer has a passion for basketball and has volunteered as a manager for the high school women’s basketball team for many years. His sense of humor and commitment to the success of others has made a lasting impact.
Logan Pickett
Hamilton City School District
Logan was nominated by his community for his compassion for others. Logan has focused on caring for the less fortunate since he was in elementary school. He has chosen not let others define who he is and has made a difference for tornado victims, inner city children and the elderly with his fundraising. Logan demonstrates the impact that can be made when one person cares.
Jocelyn Tanner
Sycamore Community Schools
Jocelyn was nominated by Sycamore High School for her positive outlook on life and people. She has overcome the challenges that exist with having autism by working hard and being focused on making every day count. Jocelyn is an example of how not to let obstacles keep you down. Her love of life is infectious and her ability to make others feel good is a special gift.
Noah White
Oak Hills Local School District
Noah was nominated by Oak Hills High School and his community. Noah has autism and understands the challenges that come from having a disadvantage. He recently completed an Eagle Scout project in partnership with the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens for a communication board that encompasses ASL, PECS, Braille, and a foreign languages for a specific set of words used at the children’s playground. Noah’s fundraising efforts will allow additional boards to be installed at the Zoo making a huge difference for others.